Ref Number: 00435
Freshwater bay was an excellent place to land troops in good weather so suitable answer to covering this area with a suitable defence was required, thus in 1856 Freshwater Redoubt was built
Ref Number: 00435
The redoubt in question was purposefully designed to safeguard Freshwater Bay, including the entirety of the beach landing zone. This location was deemed very advantageous for soldier disembarkation during favourable weather conditions, therefore necessitating its protection. The landward entrance to the redoubt is fortified with a substantial brick-lined trench, rendering it a severe obstacle for any adversary attempting to swiftly advance towards the fortification.
The coastal region is characterised by the presence of elevated chalk cliffs, which present a formidable obstacle to any potential invading military force.
Access to the redoubt is ultimately achieved by traversing a drawbridge, which is accompanied by a substantial two-story caponier that provides protective gunfire support for the entry.
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