Ref Number: 00176
A US Air Force Marauder crashed north of Chale Green on the 12th May 1944.
Ref Number: 00176
On the 12th of May, 1944, a Marauder from 556 Squadron 387 Bomb Group US Ninth Air Force crashed at Bucks Farm Kingston, north of Chale Green, while performing operational duties. There are conflicting reports regarding the actual causes of the plane disaster. According to Gilliam, a local account states that the Marauder aborted a mission 10 miles south-west of St. Catherine’s Lighthouse, successfully dropped its bomb cargo, and subsequently crashed between Billingham and Kingston.
According to the US Air Force, the mission of the aircraft was to attack German artillery positions at Barfleur La Parnelle on the French coast of Cherbourg. However, during the voyage, Pilot E. G. Bond ordered the crew to abandon ship due to the aircraft’s extreme instability. The bombardier, Lt H Hallnon, and the co-pilot, Lt Hanna, exited the aircraft over the Cherbourg promontory. The pilot then fought valiantly and steered the aircraft back across the channel, where he and the remaining four crew members leapt out. All five were deemed suitable for duty and returned to duty the following day.
Gilliam reported that according to a recent local addendum, the crew attended a modest celebration at the Crown in Shorwell alongside the local contingent of the army garrison that had searched the wreckage for survivors.
Note: All images are merely representative of the aircraft and not specific.
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